
You Named a Guardian for Your Children, But What if Something Happens to Them?

Ok, you named someone to be the guardian of your children if something happens to you, but What if something happens to your first choice? No one knows what the future holds, that is why planning for it is so important. We make sure our clients plan for many different scenarios, but unfortunately, not everyone [...]

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Planning for the Future of Your Special Needs Child

You have a wonderful child. They’re bright, sweet, and caring, and you wonder how you could ever have gotten so lucky. Your child also has special needs, which sometimes keeps you up at night worrying about what will happen when you can no longer take care of them. Sitting down and making a plan for [...]

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End of the World or New Opportunity?

It’s no secret that 2012 marks the end of the Mayan Calendar. What that means, however, is anyone’s guess. Maybe it means that the end of the world is imminent (though that’s not likely). Perhaps the Mayans just got tired of plotting time and decided to continue writing their calendar in a few hundred years. [...]

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I Can Save You Somewhere Between $99 and $500 on a $99 to $500 Will. Don’t Bother Getting One.

There is no such thing as a “Simple Will”. Well, that’s not entirely true. You can write your Will on a napkin – “I leave everything to my wife / husband” – and I guess that would fit the “Simple Will” definition, and in some states it would even be legal. If you have no [...]

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The Pathway to Discovery

When you’ve got a lot to do, you learn to multi-task. So, while I was doing cardio at the gym this morning, I was also reading this month’s issue of Discover magazine. The feature article, “How to Cure Everything” was terrific. I am constantly amazed with all of the progress that has made in medicine, [...]

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